Hi, It’s Me. I Go Places and Do Things.

I have been writing for most of my adult life. I use to journal…publicly. Anyone remember Xanga? Then I wrote some companion studies for a few programs. I’ve written some blogs on Medium. I even wrote a book in 2019, and when the pandemic broke out, I figured everyone was bored and would read it. But I didn’t realize you’re suppose to do a book tour, and in April 2020, that just wasn’t possible. Thankfully, people still read it.

Enough about that. Let’s talk about what’s next. I’m launching this blog because it brings together my ikigai. Yes, that’s a word. Your ikigai is the harmony of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can monetize. So what is my ikigai going to deliver to you? Here are four things you can expect from this blog.


I travel often. As a photographer / videographer, I’m shooting all over North America (and sometimes Europe) throughout the year. Not even the pandemic slowed me down, as I was able to spend several weeks on the road in isolation with my family. We visited seven National Parks in five weeks, and I wrote about the entire journey for NOMAD. You can read all about it here. Travel for me is about experiences, discovery, and pioneering. I’ll be covering travel extensively on here. You’ll get free resources, guides, maps, tips, and all the other things I can come up with. As a father of small kids, I’ll often talk about how to travel and still have a family, because it takes proactive effort.


I freaking love gear. I don’t always have the latest and greatest, but I know how to make the most of what I have. I maximize my gear. When gear is used correctly, it’s really just an extension of yourself. It makes you efficient, and found time is time for creativity. I also will share how to get great gear and save money. I’ll share my tips how I have pro gear on a family budget. Just right now I’m looking at upgrading my drone because it gave me issues on my last shoot. I’m finding a way to save money. Can’t wait to tell you about it.


That’s what it’s all about, right? Everything I do is two parts - creative and business. And even the business stuff is often creative. I have learned so much over the years as a creative, like what inspires me (and probably inspires you), how to find a groove, and how to find and fuel your passions. As a photographer, videographer, musician, and writer, I’ve always got something going on. I also create helpful tools, and I want to share them with you. I have some stuff planned that may greatly add value to your creative world, or at least in my hopeful mind, it will.


Who doesn’t need a little good news? Things are kind of a hot mess out in the world, but truthfully, has the world ever had “good ol’ days” where there wasn’t bad news out there? Well, regardless of all of that, I want to inspire you. I want to share with you some life skills, values, culture, and creeds to help you live your best life. It’s important to me that we share what we discover, and I’ve been fortunate enough to discover some really great thought and heart processes that help me stay inspired even when situations aren’t so great.

I am planning to drop something every week. A great way to stay in touch is to join my mailing list. You’ll get first access to things. You’ll get free stuff when I have it. You’ll get good vibes and karma. And my gratitude.

Alright. Let’s get to blogging. Here we go.


The Hot Mess of Zion National Park in 2022


Exploring Our National Parks, Part 2