Thoughts About My First Month on Youtube

A few things are factual for me. I have no desire to dance/lip-sync on TikTok or Instagram, and never will. Another thing I have no desire for is anything influencer. I’m not afraid to show anyone my analytics. They’re honest. They can’t be inflated because they’re factual.

A month ago I officially started my YouTube channel. In the past month, I’ve posted six long-form videos (mostly about gear) and four shorts (about lenses). I had a goal to hit 500 subscribers this past month and I hit it, which has been awesome. That’s equated to about 21K views, which has also been awesome.

My first official thirty days on Youtube

I share all of this to say that Youtube is kind of where I’m focused at the moment. I very much plan to keep this blog alive, and keep writing about gear, travel, sharing tutorials, thoughts, and galleries. I just need to find a rhythm of balance between creating videos for Youtube and writing blogs for my website. Both are things I absolutely love doing…equally. But please be patient with the blog as I figure out the balance.

Now, here are a few thoughts and things I’ve discovered after thirty days of running a Youtube channel.

1. Community is Very Much Alive on Youtube

This was a huge surprise. I had no idea. When I think of Youtube, I think of watching, not engaging. This is probably because I often watch YouTube on my TV, not a browser or phone. Yet when I post a video, I get comments and discussion. People share their experiences and stories, too. I try to respond to every single comment, because if there is community to be had on my YouTube channel, let’s have it! But seriously… I had no idea the breadth of community that I’m finding.

My YouTube channel even grew my Instagram this past month. IG is a wasteland since I don’t post Reels, and month over month my numbers often go negative rather than any growth. Yet after a month on Youtube, I get DM’s almost every day from new followers that came from Youtube.

The hot garbage that is Instagram in 2023

2. Growth is Actually Happening on Youtube

Speaking of growth on my Instagram, can we just take a minute and acknowledge that in January, my Youtube channel grew by 490%? I honestly only care about growth because I’m trying to reach that monetization threshold Youtube has (1K followers + 4K watch hours). Shhhh…but Youtube is part of my business strategy.

I’m seriously shook that I was able to experience this kind of growth this past month. I feel like nothing I’ve used (even for years) actually grows. Yet on Youtube, I’m seeing growth. I have a creation calendar laid out for February and I’ll have around seven videos and four shorts. I’m curious as to what February will look like, and if I’ll keep experiencing growth like I did this past month.

3. Facebook is helpful but so. freaking. toxic.

Maybe this is a surprise, but Facebook has helped fuel my growth a bit. I am a member of a few different communities, and I have been sharing my videos on them. On a personal note, I don’t use Facebook. Yes, I post links or things I’m doing, but I never get on Facebook to scroll through my feed. I do scroll through certain groups I’m part of, but that’s about it.

But the toxicity is very much alive on Facebook. Just a quick example.

I recently made a video about how much it costs me each time I press the shutter when I shoot medium format film. If you aren’t aware, medium format film photography is anywhere between $2-3 a photo. That really adds up, so if you’re like me, you make every photo matter. This slows me down. I shared this link on a Facebook group, and my goodness… one guy was so mad and hurled plenty of insults on me. He called me a “hipster photographer,” a “wannabe influencer,” and a “f*cking idiot Youtuber.” Why? Because he doesn’t want a “bunch of idiot digital photographers trashing the format.”

My responses are often troll-sarcastic-comments… I just can’t help myself. I initially responded with “I’m sorry my video made you so emotional.” Of course he went off. Then I just simply responded with “Thanks for the feedback!” I ended up putting his responses and rants into a word count and found that he wrote 1,700 words… way more than my blogs. Bless his heart.


None of that dialogue happened on my Youtube channel. Don't get me wrong… I get some snarky hate comments on Youtube, too. But it is nothing like Facebook groups. What is it about Facebook that brings out the worst in people? And Youtube that is much more of a positive experience?

Here’s the video that triggered that guy!

So Let’s Wrap This Up

I’m pretty stoked on Youtube. I’m excited to see where this goes. I’ll do my best to keep blogging, too. I have to figure out a rhythm that works, first. But I’ll figure it out. And until then, come say hello anywhere I’m at.


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